Thich Nhat Hanh Video and Interviews

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Updated March Schedule

Saturday March 24th &/or Sunday March 25th
Special Green Island Retreat Dharmateachers
Fern Dorresteyn & Michael Ciborski
& members of MorningSun Community

Saturday &/or Sunday March 24 &/or 25
Join us at beautifulPlanting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay, NY
(LIRR from Jamaica or Penn w free transport to retreat)
Free Will Donation
To Register:

Saturday March 24th 10am – 4pm
A Day for Families and Children Celebrating the Two Promises:
Cultivating Understanding & Compassion
Juice, tea and snacks provided. Please bring a vegetarian lunch for your family.

The day’s program will combine mindfulness activities for families , as well as meditation, teachings, discussion for parents/adults with a fun filled creative program for children and teens.
This will be an opportunity for parents and children to learn basic life skills not taught in schools, such as:
• how to breathe and be centered
• find nourishment in the beauty and simplicity of life
• embrace anger and other strong emotions with acceptance, calm, and ease
• learn from our four legged friends in an nearby meadow…horse & dog activities by the Kaeli Kramer Foundation
• have lots of fun!

Sunday March 25th 10am – 4:30pm
Mindfulness Practice as a Base for Sustainable & Regenerative Living:
Breathing with the Earth
Tea provided. Please bring a vegetarian lunch for yourself.

This one day retreat will offer us the opportunity to train in mindfulness, to rest in our breathing, and to connect with our vast and wonderful Dharma body – the body of the Earth and Cosmos.
Many of us are overwhelmed by the scale and scope of the suffering we see in the world and in our lives. We cannot see how our efforts will make a difference. Burdened by frustration and helplessness, we are unable to maintain our own happiness, and as we sink in anger and despair, our capacity to do good work is diminished. Mindfulness practice can change all of this. Mindfulness practice brings emphasis to the personal, spiritual and social dimensions of sustainability. It enables us to enter into a direct and clear relationship with reality, with ourselves, our loved ones, and our work and learn to draw nourishment from the positive conditions that are present in the here and now.

Dharmateachers Fern Dorresteyn and Michael Ciborski and members of MorningSun Mindfulness Community in New Hampshire. Fern and Michael are beloved friends and teachers, who met as Waldorf students, lived as Buddhist monk and nun for 7 years with Dhyana Master Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village, France and trained and worked intimately with Thich Nhat Hanh and the monastic community to organize, support, and offer meditation retreats around the world. In 2003, Michael and Fern departed Plum Village and returned to lay life. Now married, with three children, they have founded MorningSun, a spiritual community and education center based on the practice of mindfulness.
Driving Directions
Train Oyster Bay is the last stop on the Oyster Bay line of the LIRR from Jamaica Station or Penn Station. Free Transport from the train station to Planting Fields is available by reservation, email
This Weekend of Mindfulness is cosponsored by the Community of Mindful Living Long Island: Green Island Sangha, The Kaeli Kramer Foundation , The Stony Brook Sangha, The MorningSun Community, Community of Mindfulness NY Metro,

SUNDAY March 11th

St Ignatius Retreat House

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Our Regular Sitting Practice

THURSDAY March 15th

Law Office of Allison Boyd Crain
130 Third Ave., Brentwood, NY 11717

7:15 - 8:45 PM
Dharma Study Gathering
Everyone is Welcome to Join Us

SUNDAY March 18th

St Ignatius Retreat House

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Our Regular Sitting Practice

We Will Be Reading From Fragrant Palm Leaves
Please Bring your Books with you if you have them.

THURSDAY March 22nd

Law Office of Allison Boyd Crain
130 Third Ave., Brentwood, NY 11717

Mindful Living Practice
Everyone is Welcome to Join Us

SUNDAY March 25th
No sit at St Ignatius Retreat House

THURSDAY March 29th

Law Office of Allison Boyd Crain
130 Third Ave., Brentwood, NY 11717

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