Thich Nhat Hanh Video and Interviews

Friday, April 29, 2011

May Schedule

SUNDAY May 1st

We will not be at St Ignatius Retreat House

SUNDAY May 8th

We will not be at St Ignatius Retreat House

We will be offering a "ROSE FOR YOUR POCKET" ceremony in celebration of Mother's Day. Please see Special Events below.

SUNDAY May 15th

10 AM - 10:30 AM
Beginners Mind Gathering
Our Once a Month Pre Sit Intro Meeting for Those new to Mindfulness or new to the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Our Regular Sitting Practice
5 Mindfulness Training Recitation (New Version)
Please Bring your Chanting Books with you if you have them.

SUNDAY May 22nd

St Ignatius Retreat House

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Our Regular Sitting Practice

We Will Be Reading From Fragrant Palm Leaves
Please Bring your Books with you if you have them.

Local Food Pantry Collection

SUNDAY May 29th

We will not be at St Ignatius Retreat House

We will be offering a ceremony in celebration of VESAK. Please see Special Events below.

Your Free Will Donation Helps to Support
Our Community & Our Hosts


CHAN HUY, one of our senior Dharma Teachers will be in New York.

Chan Huy (true radiance) was ordained as a dharma teacher by Thay in 1994. Born in Vietnam and raised in France, Chan Huy resides in Canada and serves as the primary teacher for a number of sanghas in the U.S. and Canada. Dharma Teacher Dennis Bohn said: "For many years i have been deeply impressed by Chan Huy's generosity and free spirit" and his "skillful, compassionate and joyful presence."

Chan Huy will visit the Rock Blossom Sangha on Sunday evening, May 1, at 6:30PM and will offer a fund-raising talk at 6:30 PM on Monday, May 2, at the Three Jewels, 61 Fourth ave. (9th street) - 212-474-6650. It will benefit the Saigon Children's Charity (USA). The suggested donation is $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Chan Huy will join the Riverside Sangha gathering on Tuesday evening, May 3, at 7 PM.


Rock Blossom Sangha
A Brooklyn Community of Mindfulness
Church of Gethsemane
1012 Eighth Avenue,
between 10th and 11th Streets,
Park Slope,
Brooklyn, NY 11215

We gather every Sunday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Church of Gethsemane in Park Slope. (Very close to the Park Slope/7th Ave. F-stop.) We begin promptly.

Riverside Sangha
Riverside Church, Wellness Center. At 91 Claremont Avenue, between 120-122nd St., one block west of Broadway. [We are listed as Mindfulness Meditation on Church calendar.] Contact David, , or Marjorie, We gather every Tuesday 7-9:00 pm.


A Special Offering in

Celebration of




Mothers Day

Sunday May 8th

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Cedarmere Park

225 Bryant Avenue, Roslyn, NY

(just north of Northern Boulevard)

map & directions

Weather Permitting

Watch this Website for Weather Updates

InterSangha Spring Cliff Retreat
May 20-22, 2011
Quiet Harbor, Rock Blossom, Green Island and NYC Metro Area Sanghas
Blue Cliff Monastery, Pine Bush NY
Because of many upcoming events,
Blue Cliff Monastery requests that participants register early,
and send payment in full to Blue Cliff Monastery,
3 Mindfulness Road, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Please fill out the registration form on line at
To Room Share Please include the name/s of your roommates on the registration form
All registrations will be confirmed by e-mail directly from Blue Cliff Monastery.
Questions? E-mail Blue Cliff Monastery at

SUNDAY May 29th

A Special Offering in

Celebration of


Sunday May 29th

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Cedarmere Park

225 Bryant Avenue, Roslyn, NY

(just north of Northern Boulevard)

map & directions

Weather Permitting

Watch this Website for Weather Updates

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